If you are liberal, what is your most conservative opinion?

I’m not against healing the sick, I don’t trust our government to manage that well. My wife works in healthcare(Physical Therapy) and she has much less trouble getting people treated through insurance than she does via Medicare and Medicaid.

Right now, Medicare and Medicaid would rather just put people on pain pills forever than get the root cause of their problem treated, whereas even with a local monopoly, the health insurance company is more than willing to pay for the treatments that actually improve the quality of life of their clients.

Not to mention, as a result of Medicare and Medicaid being stingy, clinics are incentivized to turn into “mills” which cram as many patients into the day as possible just to afford operating costs, which puts a lot of stress on the employees and significantly reduces quality of care.

Many clinics now just straight up won’t take Medicaid anymore. And no, throwing more money at the problem won’t fix it, we already spend more, at the government level, per capita than any other country. So no, it’s not unChristian to oppose universal healthcare if our government can’t be trusted to manage it well.

Now what would be unchristian is doing absolutely nothing within your means to help the sick.

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