If Brand Was Realistic

Alright, I've gathered a few screenshots from the group. Might've missed some but these are main posters(was). If you want more I can probably look around but this is what I've got for now.


Now, I would appreciate if this would be shared under the radar. Meaning only you mods have access to it. If not, I'd like to stay anonymous. Hope you can respect that. I don't want to be the 'snitch' and the one throwing everyone under the bus.

It would only be fair if you temp. banned all of the people in the imgur album, not just me. But would that really be a good option? Most of these people provide quality content for the sub, very frequently. Without them there wouldn't be much video content, except for the occasional gold nugget.

Now, as for my video that got removed. I totally understand that you removed it. It also brought negative comments in the thread leading to mayhem. So I get it. 'Wait, arent u that upboat group guy ur content shouldnt be here blalbal ur a bad person'. But for gods sake remove the video/post before it hits front or even /rising. It's super demoralising for me and for viewers. It's like giving a little child candy, then take it away from it. Well maybe not, but you get the point.

Hope you can find a good way to solve this, so we all can get along and escape this drama situation, because it is not just hurting this subreddit, it is hurting individuals. Dont even get me started on the vortic/gnarsies case, oh god. I'm sick of it.

Now on a side note, all the pics I've given you are basically what the group was about. If people enjoyed their video, they would '+'. There was never, ABSOLUTELY none of the downvoting thing, like everone says. And the proxy thing, well.. People are stupid.

I'm not good with words, so I hope this was understandable. I don't really like being in the spotlight, so as I said earlier - keep me anonymous, please. If you want more details on the 'upvote group', I can probably give you my story so we can clear up in misunderstandings. Many myths have come out of vortic/gnarsies mouth, which are mostly untrue. Sadly.

The decision is up to you.

/r/leagueoflegends Thread Parent Link - youtube.com