[LPT REQUEST] How to wake up to an alarm without getting angry?

When you start to feel upset, just realize that you are an emotionally mature person

The question is specifically asking how to do this, and your answer is to just do it? While I agree things and people don't physically make us angry - unless they're somehow poking around our amygdalae.. anyways - I think you're taking the idea that something makes us angry a little too literally, plato. Things and people DO make us angry, in the sense that they can stimulate us to make a choice between being angry or not. The choice is ours. If someone said to you, "Hey, that made me angry" they're really saying, "I had a choice to be angry and I took it." When they ask for help, they're asking "How can I make the inverse choice!"

We can practice being emotionally aware, which I think is what you're getting at. But being objective about emotions is just stupid. They're emotions, they're subjective by nature. You can't just laugh at them and patronize your emotions into recession. That's just bad form. You need emotions, they offer you valuable information about the world around you. What you choose to do with that information is the key, right?

So, to answer OP's question - and to kind of sum up all of this - you have to evaluate why you get angry. Is it because you stayed up to late and you want sleep? Is it because you hate the reason why you have to wake up? Think about causations rather than correlations. You get angry when your alarm goes off - that doesn't mean the alarm is what causes the anger.

TL;DR - Evaluate your life, and try to understand why you don't want to wake up. Change those things if you can't, come to some compromise. If it's literally the fact that you chose to use the Hazard Death Sound as your alarm, well.. I don't know what to tell you. Try bird sounds and shit?

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