If we convinced the Chinese that crushed up moon rocks could give you boners, we'd probably have a thriving space economy.

Comment reply from /u/LeVentNoir • reply

I forgot to care overly about some back of the internet calculations intended to impress on a top comment that actually, no, the moon is fucking huge.

But you're welcome to do a longitudinal double blind study on the effectiveness of moon rock as an aphrodisiac, then the integral calculations for the rate of consumption of moon rock required by Chinese people to use up the entire moon, then somehow rationalise that against the space cargo cost of approximately 10k USD / pound and now you're trying to claim that otherworldly silicon dust is somehow a boner producer worth more per gram than hard narcotics.

Once you've done that, you can attempt to estimate the uptake rate of this stupidly expensive dust by the Chinese people, and having accounted for the increased population, see that the required consumption rate is significantly higher because of the disparity between the rate required when it is distributed evenly, and the rate required when overhead costs must be accounted for.

So maybe take your snide comment and roll on out.

/r/Showerthoughts Thread