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My parents had the safety tats on me and a leash at Disney Land because I had a tendency to run off impulsively. I was immediately distracted and ran off chasing some colorful balloons straight into a white van. A man inside the van surprised me with a Wegmans paper bag and forced me to play "guess my name" for 2 hours until I fell asleep.

That night, the friendly kidnappers called the contact number on my safety tat. My worried father picked up. He had the phone on speaker so my parents can hear my voice as I was still playing "guess my name". The kidnappers wanted $200k in unmarked $20 bills, $200k in unmarked $10 bills, and $75k in $5 bills, and $25k in George Washingtons as ransom. My dad was flabbergasted and refused because he suspected them of using the $25k of $1 bills for the strip club and that's a sin. The kidnappers didn't take that lightly and threatened to harm me. They popped a few balloons as intimidation.

They were yelling at my parents over the phone. Right before they hung up, I heard my dad say something like "...I have a particular set of skills...."

I was knocked out. Next thing I knew, I woke up on my dad's shoulders as he is running away from a house in the desert. Suddenly it spontaneously combusted up in a ball of fire like those giant balls of gas in the night sky. I love fire, explosion and bright stuff so I jumped off my dad's shoulders and ran towards it.

Suddenly a white van came out of nowhere, scooped me up and blindfolded me before my dad could react. They held me up high by lifting me by my armpits and sticking me out of the side of the van for my dad to see. It was exhilarating as the van speeding past the scenic route. The sun is nearly setting with its orange light spreading across the landscape. At the same time, the terrain is also casting large dark shadows. The kidnappers pulled in back in and closed the the sliding door. There were 3 of them and they started singing a song I'm not familiar with. It goes something like "....hakuna matata...."

Later that night, they called the contact number on my safety tat and my dad picks up. I looked around and realize that I'm inside a tall building as I can see the city lights below spanning across the horizon. The kidnappers this time was on their iPhone's facetime with my parents. They showed me staring out the window at the city view as my mom weeps in slow motion like a sloth trying to cross the road. The kidnappers demanded a Harrier jet loaded with fuel and missiles. It should be landed on top of the building where the helipad is in 1 hour or I get thrown out the window. My dad refused, my mom let out some weird noises, and they all started arguing. My dad offered $700k instead but they refused.

Before they hung up I heard my dad say "....skills that make me a nightmare for people like you...I will find you..."

I was knocked out after the phone call. When I woke up, my mom was cutting the plastic zip tie handcuffs off me. My dad was on a jet hovering in the hair right outside of the window. Everything inside the building looked like it it was shot up by a 50 cal machine gun and several grenade thrown in. My dad opened the cockpit got on top of the jet and put his hand out to grab me. He shouted for me to get jump on and he'll catch us. Both mother and I jumped but in mid air, I felt a tug on my leg and was pulled back. One of the kidnappers had a leash on my foot and yanked me back. He was aiming an RPG at my dad's Harrier. My dad swayed the jet and narrowly missed the shot as it hit another building and exploded in the background. My parents jumped back in the cockpit but before they left, my dad stood up and said "I'll be back". The kidnapper threw a Google Nexus 6 at him and my parents left. A Safeway reuseable grocery bag was put over my head and I was knocked out.

I woke up the next day in a basement somewhere. I hear a movie playing in the background. The movie keeps playing a particular song. It goes something like "...My power, my pleasure, my pain, baby To me you're like a growing addiction that I can't deny. Won't you tell me is that healthy, baby? But did you know, That when it snows,..."

The kidnappers called the phone they threw at my parents via Google Hangout. My dad picks up...

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