If Emilyispro doesn't get banned, all faith will be lost in Jagex.

If shes getting banned on her main account for x amount of time then she is getting punished. Staking, in general, is an addiction and I'm with Emily on that as many of you probably are as well.

But imo if she was willing to spend a few hundred dollars in gold to un-fuck up her mistake thats a really, really nice thing to do cause she probably prevented that guy from quitting AND AND AND it was REALLY easy to be convinced to do so from Zomoor. The dude can lure anyone into anything with his voice and words.

I would know first hand because about a year ago Rajj had a Teamspeak where lots of his viewers would join as well as all the streamers and I was an admin in that. So I've had conversations with streamers and became friends with some. But what I'm getting at is I was friends with Zomoor before he was banned and vanished on the earth, and I'm friends with Emily even though it's distant.

Zomoor tried to convince me to buy gold lots of times, but I never did believe it or not reddit, but he tries to sell it in a convincingly cheap way and buddy-buddy ways. I'm not surprised he convinced Emily to buy or any other regular person. He was a good salesman with "good" deals. But I guarantee he recorded her to blackmail since she is "Twitch Famous + real grill" for the love of drama and his name being talked about. They also dated at one point so I can only imagine how deep.. this blackmailing went.

She did the right thing and came clean. She even told Jagex. She even confessed to the people who watch her daily. But since she is getting blackmailed this is going outside of Runescape. Most people would say "Good, fuck her and her stream!" but that's fucked up too. If you don't like a streamer you just don't watch them. I bet the guilt of that drama and all the other drama she has on her plate that we alllll know about mentally gets to her on a daily.

Let Jagex decide on what needs to happen and not people who stereotype hating her stream or only watched her stream only once or twice and didn't like her. The right thing will be done and shes willing to pay for the damage delt. But from a Zomoor view, the guy whos blackmailing, that's my side story of him.

/r/2007scape Thread