If God exists, why is there sexual slavery?

There's a rather clear problem in the fact that he said he'd be back soon, and 2000 years later sure don't feel like soon.

Well if that's the question you would rather answer because you're more prepared for it or something, go ahead, but 2000 years, I mean, how long is a human life? Let's put it at 70 tops, so roughly 30 human lifetimes have passed since "I'll be back - soon". How long does God live? Well, He's eternal. This "soon" business seeming like a long time after 2000 years makes more sense to me than not stopping something like sexual slavery. "Soon" to an eternal being is really just, it's nothing, like, it doesn't mean anything, He's going to be around forever. "Soon" to Him, could be, hundreds of thousands of years. He is eternal. He can just, whenever he decides to come, it will always be "soon" for Him.

I'm not "committed" to "not believing in God", I am actually desperately trying to not lose the faith here. I don't understand why this is so difficult? Unless you are finding it really difficult, because you are as at a loss for a good answer here as I am.

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