If ketchup didn't exist then what would you eat it with your fries?

I've been through some tough times without ketchup. I mean, what is a French fry without that delicious, tomato-y goodness? It's just a sad, lonely, naked potato stick. And don't even get me started on burgers without ketchup. How are you supposed to enjoy a burger without a little bit of ketchup to bring all the flavors together? It's just not possible.

So, when I found myself in a world without ketchup, I had to get creative. I tried using mayonnaise on my fries, but let's just say that was a big no-go. It just didn't have the same tangy flavor that ketchup has. Plus, it made the fries all slimy and gross. Gross.

Next, I tried using mustard on my fries. Now, I love mustard, don't get me wrong. But let's face it, mustard just doesn't have the same appeal as ketchup. It's a little too spicy and overpowering for my taste. Plus, it made my fries turn a weird yellow color, which just wasn't appetizing.

After a few failed attempts, I finally found a solution. BBQ sauce. Yes, BBQ sauce. It might seem strange at first, but let me tell you, it works like a charm. It has the perfect balance of sweetness and tanginess that ketchup has, and it goes great with fries. Plus, it adds a little bit of smoky flavor that takes the fries to a whole new level.

So, if ketchup didn't exist, I would definitely eat my fries with BBQ sauce. And you know what? I might just stick with BBQ sauce even when ketchup does exist. It's that good.

/r/AskReddit Thread