If people can say that the reason the suicide rate among transexuals is so high because of the way society treats them. Then its perfectly acceptable to apply the same logic to suicide among men

  1. Courts lean towards women in child custody cases and treat men as sub par people Men treat women very, very poorly and then expect to still be apart of the family. If you are yelling, hitting, drinking, drugging, mooching, and so on, your relationship is at risk. When you try to raise your child, you don't want them exposed to less than ideal behavior from others.

  2. Feminism is demonizing men. Feminism is calling men out for their bad behavior in hopes they will change.

  3. Men get put down if they even show an ounce of feelings and told they aren’t men This is a cultural norm enforced by parents and male peers.

  4. Men are expected to be the first to do anything, pay for everything Men expect women to do all housework and childcare, while they relax, then want women who usually make less to contribute 50/50.

  5. On some college campuses men aren’t allowed certain areas and are banned from those areas because of the whole “rape culture” hysteria No, you can't go hunting and stalking women on campus, sorry. Now there are safe spaces.

  6. Men are presumed guilty from the start when accused of rape even though they are protected under presumption of innocence They are presumed guilty, because they usually are. Now of course men look for ways to beat the rap, like any common criminal, but the truth is they lacked the self-control and character to not force themselves on a woman in the first place.

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