If someone borrowed your body for a week, what quirks would you tell them about so they are prepared?

Please don't run/jump/do anything dumb. Still recovering from a torn MCL, which you should be working out daily.

If you eyes turn red and start swelling up, then you've encountered something you are allergic to. Since you should be taking an allergy pill in the morning already, all you can really do is remove yourself from the situation and use your inhaler. If you suddenly feel like you can't breathe/swallow, get out from that area quick. Also don't even think about going around black mold....you'll know the moment your somewhere where it's present. And sometimes people don't even know....

Make sure you pop your hip at least daily, or it WILL lock out on you. If it does that, go to a chiropractor.

Lockjaw. Good luck.

If your knees swell up like a balloon and you can barely walk on them, take three Advil, drink a ton of water, and ice/elevate. You tried to walk too much, and neither if my knees like that. Can't tell you why.

Sometimes you will wake up in the middle of the night to intense ankle pain, where you won't be able to walk on it. Just pop it, it will get better.

Still feeling hungry but can't stop burping after eating a meal? Acid reflux, take a Tums.

/r/AskReddit Thread