If there was an immediate, painless suicide pill that was affordable and available to all, how many would take it?

I'd go get the pill like the day before I plan to do it I'd get myself the nicest biggest bag of weed I can and I'd spend the night before I do it with my mum and dad maybe try and convince them to go out for dinner I'd call my brothers even tho they hate my guts I'd tell em I loved them because they were my brothers I'd bring my daughter she's 5 and my son who's 2 to dinner with us so I can have one last time with them haven't Been the greatest dad to them always had money problems and drug issues and suffer from bi polar and ptsd always tried my best and was always was good to them but when i got manic i wouldnt even know what i was doing my head was just gone i just wasnt a nice person to be around i never hurt them but i deffo scared them if id have shouted or when me and my fiance argued i lived with them until around May 2022 when me and my fiancé split now because I work I only see them at weekends for a a day or two I'd bring my ex a big bunch of flowers and some chocolates and jus tell her there from the kids in hopes to see her big beautiful smile again tell her she's a great mum and the kids are lucky to have her then the I'd go for the dinner with my parents and my kids the next day after leaving the kids home I'd go visit the only 2 good friends I have and have a smoke with them for old times sake laugh and joke about all the stupid shit we've done get are usual take away we would have got when we were getting the munchies and then as it gets late I'd head up to the old abandon fields I played in as kid at the bottom of the street I grew up in and most of my family still live in and sit on the big rock we all used to sit on I'd smoke a joint look at a few photos and videos of my kids and my ex from when we lived together listen to music and get stoned till the stars and moon were out then I'd lay back take the pill and stare into the sky until everything stops and I'm finally at peace

/r/DeepThoughts Thread