If TierZoo is made into an open world game, which animal excluding human will you play?

I just think you are investing in the wrong build. Bears have the hibernation problem. An they require a lot more XP to survive than a scavenger/forager build would be able to acquire in a human server.

I'm telling you... you'd be better off going with something like a medium sized ape or a large monkey. Hell, even a raccoon build would be better suited for your "hit and run" raid tactics.

A bear build in the human biome is just asking to get ganked. You need to be sneaky-deaky like. If you are somehow going to loot firearms from a human (which I'm pretty sure is only possible with hacking software) you might as well play a build that has a natural spec into melee attacks.

You are a noob, bro. Bears are a melee tank class that humans love to gank. You need to play something smaller with more dexterity in the limbs like a primate or a raccoon. Trust me, the bear meta has been on the decline for a long time.

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