If you were sexually assaulted how would you deal with it?

I was sexually assaulted, infact I went through 2 years of childhood sexual abuse at age 10 right after the death of my grandmother whom I was close to...

All I can say is if you haven't been through it what you think you would do and what you actually end up doing are compeltley different things.

I would have thought I would tell an adult, like we were encouraged to do when we had this talk in school of "if anybody touches you inappropriatly you do X".

In actuality what happened was I realised that he was willing to sexually abuse someone very defenseless and maliciously lie about it- he would possibly cross other lines like murder or physical assault. When he said "no" grabbing on tightly to my wrist after I protested I decided I would be a victim but a live victim.

/r/polls Thread