If you're being honest with yourself; what's your weakness?

Mechanically I'm pretty sound, my shotcalling and map presence(roams/ganks/wards) are usually a huge benefit for my team, and I've played long enough to know how each champ works/cooldowns/powerspikes. I tend to throw most of that out the window at points just to see if I could pull things off.

Going too hard when I know I could be at a disadvantage has got to be my biggest flaw. I think it comes from years of not caring as much about score and more about making big plays while playing FPSs(for instant in COD I would ALWAYS be sprinting, usually die without a kill 1-3 times than end up going on a 20 kill streak.

Usually when I lose early it's because I was being arrogant and thought I could win the all in, or blatantly ignoring things I know put me at a disadvantage (ward just expired while their jungler MIA and I'm overextended, just took an outer tower but stick around for that last wave and get 3v1'd, they've got a larger minion wave but I think I can burst down and escape with the kill)

Towards late-game if I'm ahead I usually keep the momentum up with pressure/outplays and end up dieing 1v3 thinking I could handle it until my team got their instead of waiting.

I see many of the disadvantages/advantages I or my team has as the game goes on, I tend to ignore bad signs on the chance I could turn a fight, survive the dive, bet on the jungler being far away.

I tend to stay out of ranked (one out of every 50 games maybe in season 3 and 4) because the way I enjoy playing isn't consistent and I'd rather not let other people down in ranked. When I buckle down and keep myself in check when playing with friends everything's great but solo I get this "It's a game, push your limits and have fun" that tends to bite me in the ass.


I've been playing bot games for IP lately because of ping issues but with the new season and fixed internet I'm giving ranked another whirl, Hoping I can hit plat this season!

/r/summonerschool Thread