I'm almost 20 and can't drive, and it's humiliating

Hey I was 22 when I got my G2 (in Canada means I can drive by myself when ever but it's not my full license which is called a G).
I was 17 when I got my G1(You do a written test and if you pass you can drive only with a licensed driver with you) When I was 19 I did drivers ED and my instructor was kind of a dick that made me feel shitty about my driving (He didn't have very good people skills). When the time came for my G2 test I ended up failing. That discouraged me to try again until 3 years later.
In that time I wasn't comfortable with the thought of me driving, I was constantly thinking about scary 'what if?' scenarios that could happen while driving, when I did drive I was never 100% on if I was actually staying in the lines I always winged it and hoped I was, I was scared of doing left hand turns, lane changes, any kind of parking, and concluded with believing that it's safer for everyone on the road if I stay off of it. I didn't have the need to get a license because I was comfortable with taking public transit, my boyfriend would always drive when we got together, and I didn't like the idea of having to pay for car insurance if I was only going to be driving for 5 minutes every couple of days max.
What put the fire under my butt was at work I was starting to get shifts that ended at midnight, which would mean I would get home at 1 in the morning. I felt really bad for making my brother stay up and pick me up so I used that as my motivation. In January of this year I made my goal to get my G2 license by the end of February and I did (barely though lol). Since then I have become A LOT more confident in my driving and I actually like doing it now.
Honestly don't worry about how old you are when you get it, all that matters is when you do get it you are comfortable with driving.

P.s. sorry for rambling ;p

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