I'm an atheist who believes abortion is wrong. I thought this would be a good place for my unpopular opinion.

The flaws in your argument:

You made that baby. You had sex by choice, you knew the consequences, now that those consequences are in your face, you think taking someone else's life away for your own sake is okay?

You made the choice to take the risk of having a child, now that the child is in your body and depends on you, it's not about a woman's choice anymore, it's about a child's life who can't make that choice.

This is not a "moral crusade". It's truly logical human beings standing up for human beings who can't stand up for themselves.

Just because the baby can't live without it's mother independently doesn't mean it's any less important than it's mother or you.

Once it's outside of your body, give it up if you don't want it. If you do keep it and it requires an organ transplant you can't provide , that's shitty my dude. You're not obligated to give up your own life for your own child.

The vast majority of abortions aren't because of a risk to the mothers life, but the mother's own selfishness. If a woman is going to die because of this child, then fine. Make an exception.

You are required to give you agency of your own body for the sake of the child you created of your own accord because YOU CHOSE THAT. You cannot selfishly deny a child life for the sake of your own "right to choose".

Such fucking hogwash. You're full of shit my dude.

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