I'm extremely sick of being completely useless.

but your essentially saying don't try anything ever unless the person is obviously attracted to you when you first meet them.

That's not what I said. You can try by asking out a person for coffee or a walk. But, the video is about a dude who's doing too much. He's trying to be thoughtful with gifts right from the start. He's investing too much to get the girl to like him. But that won't improve his chances at all.

Better to get rejected, because that person didn't feel that way

Certainly, It's okay to get rejected. But there's no point in putting a show before asking them out, like the 2nd dude in the video is doing. You can ask a person out for a date by being casual and upfront about it. That is, without trying to come off as super-romantic by taking them to some super expensive restaurant, giving them flowers or telling them you have feelings for them. Gifts are bad in the beginning of a relationship. If they'll consider you, good. If they won't, your romantic gestures will certainly not help you, and will even hurt you as you'll come off as desperate.

move on than to never really be sure how they feel and have that possibility always in the back of your mind

I already discussed this multiple times on this thread. You CAN actually know how a woman feels without her having to spell it out for you. It's her actions. Actions speak louder than words. If she gives indications of romantic interest, go for it. If she doesn't, don't try to force it by being romantic to her, It won't work. The reason I'm emphatic about this is because I've seen many guys ruin their friendship with women by deciding to confess their love to them, although it was clear, that the women weren't romantically interested or were even interested in other guys.

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