I'm just not having fun and it really depresses me

I was really excited to play this after work today. I got home played for over 2 hours. Not really as fun as I was expecting. The AR only starts aren't my cup of tea I love BR starts. I played this weird sand map with two thin towers that spawn power weapons at the top wasn't fun at all, ghost just massacres everybody. I had some fun but just the gun play felt so off. All the power weapons felt like a handicap cause I would just get blasted by an AR even though I have this supposed shotgun. I think the sandbox mixed its mark. Some of the maps too. You're not alone man I'm feeling pretty depressed too. I do think though it has the potential to be something amazing once more content gets added. One last thing big team battle I feel like needs some legacy maps and the current maps need more vehicle variations. I don't know a lot could be said I had a very mixed experience because I was really aching for a 4v4 battle rifle match but it's just AR spray and pistol swapping. I wish bloom/recoil wasn't in the game also. End rant haha

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