Why are US rightwingers so opposed to a Black female supreme court nominee?

Sometimes I accidentally stumble upon r/politics, and I always feel like I entered a parallel world

I’m not even American and I understand that the “anger” (I would call it, criticism) comes from the fact that Biden announced he’s going to nominate a specific race and sex candidate.

In other words, the two most important criteria for the nomination are race and sex, followed by competence later.

That is controversial because many people do not agree with that ranking of importance in a judge.

The SCOTUS is also going to rule on affirmative action this year I believe, and how that’s going to go isn’t clear at all. This is a matter that is open to debate with diverging viewpoint.

In conclusion, stop pretending that you guys here are the only ones with an acceptable viewpoint. There’s criticism that is also perfectly acceptable.

/r/politics Thread Link - theguardian.com