I'm not trying to bash vegans or defend them. I just want to hear your opinions regarding this.

I understand and agree with a lot of their points, but think they’re more focused on shutting down a militant vegan POV that thinks vegan = perfect, non-vegan = evil. I think that perspective does exist (especially in newer vegans), but people often assume it is more widespread than it actually is and argue with that POV as if it represents all of veganism.

I also don’t understand the arguments that act as though “vegan food” and “omni food” are two circles that don’t overlap — there are plenty of non-vegans eating quinoa too, for example. There are certainly plenty of non-vegans who don’t pay attention to any of the human suffering behind their consumption as well as not minding the animal suffering.

Considering and mitigating our negative impact on the world around us is something we should ALL be better about. Vegans are trying through veganism and hopefully other ways as well. If you can’t be vegan because of allergies etc., I would hope you’re doing your best in the other categories. It doesn’t have to be a fight amongst us. (to be honest and to get a little tinhatty, if you consider the common denominator of factory farming, unethical treatment of workers, environmental destruction etc. the issue isn’t really any of us, it’s neoliberal capitalism. I’m sure the companies actually profiting off the suffering much prefer when we fight amongst ourselves lol) sorry not sorry for the essay lmao

/r/vegan Thread Link - viralnova.com