I'm a Paramedic that went to help after Hurricane Katrina, this is the worst thing I ever experienced in my career.

I don't see how that is cruel. I think asking about it is great, I like to think of humans are free, strong people who continually evolve. Suppressing such questions to only gain knowledge about something they're curious about isn't something rude. It's healthy and shows signs of success if we can freely ask anything and not worry about consequences. You have every right to not answer. If this was something we always talked about would it not bring us closer together? I haven't been in any disaster situation but if I did and I lived to tell about it, I would tell the details with a smile on my face to anyone who asked, and if they don't like what they heard and start to get emotional; I would tell them to be strong and well they asked for it. Sorry for sounding insensitive but we just need to be stronger, we need to shape up this world to what it should be and what we want it to be. Because crooked cops, ISIS existing and still existing shows signs of weak human evolution or discipline in my opinion. ISIS should not be allowed to freely do what they do in a well structured world in my eyes, and there shouldn't be any cops with any prejudice in them. I mean how counter productive is that? Killing another human, no hesitation because of the pigment in someones skin. I wanted to become a Police Officer until I quickly learned that not all police are nice or perfect, and are actually looked down upon by some people. I guess that happens with any profession but we can do better! What am I doing to better the world? Not a damn thing and that's pretty pathetic if you ask me. I want to be a leader and change the way we live, but so far in my life I've been nothing but a failure, so if you want to call me naive, so be it, but I truly think this world can be a better place if we believe, and we truly try. Please don't reply negatively to this, I'm just ranting. Although I have a feeling this comment will get looked down upon and laughed at. It's fine I say what's on my mind now, not suppressing anything. Because the world will be a better place when everyone's mouth is open, instead of shut.

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