I'm really sick of being thought of as a horrible person for supporting bernie meanwhile this crap is happening

The sycophants in the screenshot are the people who should feel bad, because they endorse and will vote for war criminals like Biden of course, or prosecutors who through mothers in jail because their kid skipped school like Harris, or mayors who bulldoze poor people's houses because of a broken window, etc.

So, let their little minds chatter but ignore them. Also keep in mind, most of what you hear from neoliberal sycophants is going to be complete bs anyway, such as the bs story of chairs in Nevada in 2015 https://old.reddit.com/r/SandersForPresident/comments/4jtl2r/reality_check_no_chair_was_thrown_at_nv_dnc_video/

Now, to get some perspective. Multiply how you feel by a million and you now understand what Bernie is up against. Bernie has the entire greedy corporate msm, along with an army of neoliberal sycophants such as the one on twitter in the pic, attaching him. The attacks are initiated at the top from their sponsors, the billionaires and corporations and dribble down to the lowest sycophants; the clueless sycophant "meat bots" in your pic above. And these attacks against Bernie are unrelenting: everyday and every hour new attacks come in the most corrupt ways, all based on complete bs.

Bernie fights for us every day and has been doing so for over five decades. We can return the favor to Bernie by not getting distracted by these neoliberal infants, keep our chins up, register to vote at a minimum of 6 months ahead of time (AS A DEMOCRAT), and then show up during the primary and general election when it counts the most.

Our children and the world will thanks us. The clueless dolt in your pic? yeah, her children will thank us too.

/r/WayOfTheBern Thread Link - i.redd.it