Respawn finally tells us what they really think about us. Ya'll are freeloaders.

I totally understand what you’re saying and I agree with you. Maintaining servers was difficult, but at some point I figured that’s why we began paying PS and XBox dues, was to go towards maintaining servers. That’s why, although being a PlayStation fan, I liked paying for the XBox 360 service back in the days because they had a better online experience. But I guess games are just way more complex now.

But we’re just talking about the ridiculousness of the micro transactions now, especially Apex’s new Iron Crown Loot Box pricing:

You can only grind out two of the 24 loot boxes through challenges. The rest you will literally have to buy, and they cost $7 a piece, so that’s $160, if you’re buying currency in bulk. As icing on the cake, there’s a new heirloom axe that you can only get once you have every other item in the collection, and that costs 3,500 Apex Coins itself. In total, if you want everything in this collection it costs a minimum of $170 and with no alternative option to grind for 95% of it.

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