imagine being a female. . .

But sometimes people smile at you creepily. you’d sometimes get criticized for wearing certain things because they’re too revealing, tight, or don’t fit whatever the trend is. People are nice to your face sometimes but often just because they want to fuck you, but then smack talk you behind your back the first chance they get. You may make friends easier but not a lot of quality ones. And just because you’re a girl doesn’t mean you’re immediately loved just by being in someone else’s presence.

The grass may seem greener till you get closer but that doesn’t mean you can’t do what you want to do. You don’t have to be a girl to wear makeup or dance to whatever music you like or hangout with friends and wear what you want be it a skirt or as a Scotsman would say a kilt (which looks cool af). And you can use whatever cologne/perfume you want (a lot of women actually use men’s fragrances surprisingly). And you can still wear your hair however you want it’s just a matter of growing it and managing it the way you want it. While it may seem like one side has it better or worse they both tend to have to deal with the same shit just from a different angle, the important thing is that you find what makes you happy and do it regardless of what people say or think.

/r/MakeNewFriendsHere Thread