Imminent fist fight resolved through intellectual conversation

You used a valuable term there, and the important one at that. Supposed.

When you give money to anyone, whether it be a friend or family, service provider or goods manufacturer, private sector or public under a particular and mutually agreed understanding and then the other party actually uses the funds on projects other than what was understood, what is that called?


The taxes that we are issuing forward at the behest of and in trust to the government was supposed to be used for the, as you said, "national solidarity and betterment of our nations society" and then it is used to further the policies that perhaps only a few congressional members or a privately held company hold important? Our taxes have been robbed by the very people that were to be trusted with it.

Our taxes aren't going to our crumbling infrastructure or faltering education system, nor any truly negotiable advancement in sciences such as renewable energy and cleaner environment. Things that would factually serve us on an immediate and daily need. Instead much of it is invested globally in skirmishes and unwanted wars, unwanted by both our citizens and the actual countries affected, very much likely lately with no seen end in sight. And when those happen companies and industries X,Y and Z profit by facilitating civilian and/or para-military roles.

And that only serves those groups with our tax money, and very much so fulfills the parameters needed to correctly be labeled, "Theft".

And that is just the tip of the theft discussion. The conversation even more importantly, most importantly needed to be discussed are the lives of the men and women being sent into foreign lands to achieve the above mentioned goals. These are lives being used as tokens much too often to only garner more wealth by a increasingly smaller group of people. Our lives, their profit. Theft of life.

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