Incredibly sexist campaign video produced by the Ontario government paints men as a bunch of rapists and perverts #WhoWillYouHelp [r/MensRights]

Torontonian-abled-ginger-Libertarian here: I agree with the obvious.

...any non consensual sexual act is sexual assault, regardless of biologial sex.

And yet the CDC says only women can be raped. Interesting how if we factor in "made to penetrate" to count, the difference of victims between the sexes is negligible, (Tables 2.1 & 2.2).

You have a cartoonish idea of what feminism is no doubt derived from your tumblr echo chamber.

Right, it's not like I've taken several gender studies classes over the course of a decade from two Canadian universities with feminist professors, speaking to and writing about historical feminism and the radicalism of it today. Da fuq is a tumblr?

I don't blame you, not everyone has time to read Judith Butler or Jack Haberstam. The majority of violence in the world is perpetrated by cisgendered males against other cis men and women, trans men/women, gender non conforming people and children.

I haven't read Butler or Haberstam, but if their arguments amount to blaming straight white males for committing the "majority of violence" -I'll pass. It's an incredibly wide net to be casting there. This News Medical study actually suggests women are more physically aggressive.

The video shows a realistic portrayal of the way sexual violence is distributed throughout society.

The video portrays a specific narrative, strictly limiting the examples of sexual assault to male perpetrators and female victims. This is Gender Apostasy. Ridiculous.

I'm not against videos warning male identified people about the threat of non consensual sexual conduct,

How considerate.

thousands of missing and murdered aboriginal women whose cases go unsolved and collect dust for decades.

Almost as many missing and murdered aboriginal men.

/r/canada Thread Link -