[Inherited Blazing Will] JP Megathread (II)

the usual Bonus Battles replaced with the Revenge Dungeons from the previous FFII event "Thorns of the Rose".

...so the entire reason they're bringing back bosses from an older event is because they can't be arsed to make a full FFII event after seven months?

That is amazing.

Freeze Strike 5★ Spellblade
2xAoE Ice physical dmg

I'm glad they're taking into consideration characters that clearly aren't anyone from this realm when creating new abilities to be released with this event.

Combat 4, Spellblade 5, Knight 4, Black Magic 3, White Magic 4

The guy draws the attention of Imperial soldiers so that Hilda can escape. But 4* Knight. He leans towards Black Magic, with an ultimate weapon that maxes out the stat that affects Black Magic. Nah, 4* White and 3* Black. DeNA wuvs their 4* White.

Makes perfect sense, as DeNA always does. For the record, FFII has the lowest average 5* abilities per characters, and they've managed to drag down that average even further with Scott.

I also believe this is the only realm where the characters who initially got their Legend Spheres (Firion and Maria) don't even get new LM relics. You know, the two FFII characters people might have already invested motes into.

Firion still doesn't have any access to holy-elemental abilities, so I don't know why they stuck his Enholy SSB on the banner. Josef at least gets ice-elemental Burst commands...on his BSB that gives the same buff that Gordon's SSB gave already. And they're not even trying to keep the Emperor's elements consistent—relics that boost dark damage and a dark/non SSB, an Enwind BSB, and an Imperil Earth USB. Shame he doesn't get 5* Summoning to actually make having Summoning worth a crap.

So yep, making decent relics and SBs is all of the effort they could bother with. Totally worth the seven-month wait.

/r/FFRecordKeeper Thread