Introducing: The most optimal Kindred build


Despite what a lot of people think, kindred is really strong if played properly. The problem was that reksai gragas and graves were much better. Reksai and gragas got nerfed hard, and graves is getting nerfs on the pbe. And while nidalee still snowballs harder than kindred, nida falls off hard while kindred scales into a hyper carry. So here is the build and the thought behind it. The only S tier jungler left (after graves nerf and ignoring nidalee) is zac, but he gets banned a lot nowadays.


QUINTS - Attack-speed


SEALS - HP/lvl (With proper kitin and refilable potion you dont need the armor)

MARKS - AD (AD gives you better gank, AS gives you better clear)


The 4 core items are bloodrazor, runaan, mallet and cleaver. Boots can be tabi, mercs or berzerkers. Last item is situational. I call this build The Reaper build, and I have 75% winrate with it.

Lets explain why it works in general and then ill explain each item. Kindred is pretty unique in the fact that her damage relies on stacks, not on items. The best ways to increase it is with attack speed and arnor pen. As such, kindred doesnt need too many damage items to do insane damage and can afford to go semi-tanky.

Lets explain every item.

Core Items

Bloodrazor - I dont think this needs explanation, its the best jungle item for Kindred. Always red smite.

Runaan - Kinda no brainer , but still, under NO CIRCUMSTANCES should you skip runaan. Bloodrazor and huricane is your absolute must every game. Runaan gives you attack speed, The crit and waveclear are nice, but the most important part is the 2 extra bolts which apply onhit effects. It turns you into an aoe damage dealer like jinx and basicly triples your dps.

Frozen mallet - I like getting mallet right after runaan. At this point my damage is solid and I need extra survivability. 700 hp is amazing on such a squishy champ, the ad is nice, and the aoe slow is amazing for chasing carries and kiting bruisers. When completi g those 3 items you are quite tanky with a lot of damage.

Black cleaver - All stats this item gas to offer are amazing. The 50 ad is great, 300 hp makes u tankier, and the rage passive combined with mallet slow makes you impossible to catch or run away from. The cd is really importent because of your ult. Such a game changing ult needs to be available as much as possible. And the best part is the armor pen. It helps you shred tanks and squishies much easier, you stack it in aoe with eunaan and q and amplifies the damage you and your team do.

Boots - you have 3 viable options. Berzekers are the best if u neex raw damage. However I find myself building mercs most of the time, as I love the early mr and tenacity if they have cc. I also sometimes get tabi if im facing heavy ad team. All 3 work well. If the game goes really late sell boots for phantom dancer.

With this build you are a ranged bruider who does marksman damage. You have 3k hp and are relatively tanky. Being tanky is amazing on kindred as u can win every duel and also for your ult. If u are really squishy you can get stunned and 1shot before u can press ult. If u are tankier with my build its really hard to get instantly killed before you can ult.

Situational items

Botrk - This item will give you the most damage out if any last item you can buy. I buy it often as the damage and lifesteal are really good, and it works freat vs tanky teams.

Maw - If the enemy team has 2 ap threats that can destroy me early game I get hexdrinker after bloodrazor and before runaan, and upgrade it to maw as 6th item.

Deaths dance - This is the bloodthirster equivalent for kindred. Never buy bloodthirster tho. Her auto damage is really low, but her onhit is insane and DD works with it. You can heal for ut to 200 hp per attack, the ad, cdr and damage reduction are also great. I often buy it against teams with poke or in active games where I need to sustain after every fight to do stuff.

Last whisper - I rarely buy it but it can be good vs teams with really high armor.

GA- If my team has a lot of damage already and I need to be secondary frontline I take ga. With 3k hp the added resists and revive make you really tanky.

Sterak - Very situational. If im realy behind and enemy te has mad burst or assasins I take it instead of mallet to survive the early and mid game. Take it only if really behind.


The Reaper build as I like to call it is the optimal build for kindred. It gives you insane damage to both tanks and squishies ehile making you really tanky and basicly a raidboss. This build has a lot of pros and no cons. Let me know what you think!


You are welcome

Edit: Formatting

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