IsItBullshit: Quran 4:34 (the verse about striking your wife) refers to lightly tapping with a toothbrush-sized stick without leaving injury or marks, not actually beating your wife.

Asking ANY questions related to religion in any subreddit (excluding subs who are devoted to said religion) always leads to the same result.

1-“religion bad atheism good”

2-a swarm of downvotes if you speak of said religion in a positive way

And the comments on this very same post are a prime example.

Regarding the question in the post The ayah says: (وَاضْرِبُوهُنَّ) Which a person who isn’t an Arabic language master and who doesn’t have context might think it is derived from the verb “اضرب” which means hit but the real meaning here is derived from the verb “اضراب” Which means a strike (not a physical strike but like the ones workers do to demand extra wages etc.)

So here is the question answered.

/r/IsItBullshit Thread Parent