IsItBullshit: if you don’t yawn when you see and/or hear someone else yawn you may be a psychopath or a sociopath?

So true but I swear there is a void of emptiness in their eyes that sets them apart from those who are not sociopaths.

It's hardly perceptible to most people but if you look and I mean LOOK you will see it. I saw it once in a t.v. personality/host I met once and have never forgotten those eyes.

Tbh, it still haunts me how well he pretended to be human. It took me aback and was jarring to the point I just wanted to get away from him. I practically ran from this guy with my husband completely confused why I got out of dodge so fast when we went to the event to meet this guy.

I felt like prey. Ever since I take a really good look at peoples eyes now. If I even catch a hint of that same emptiness, I nope out lol.

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