Why isnt bullying taken seriously by schools?

To me it’s because teachers either don’t care/ aren’t paid enough to deal with it or management doesn’t take it seriously enough.

I was bullied throughout middle school and up until my junior year of highschool because my step brother was popular and hated me(he still hates me 6 years after highschool). I remember the last day I was bullied(yes there was a last day thankfully for me ). It was before school and the usual 6 kids that always picked on me formed a circle and started pushing me around and calling me names. I was really upset as one would be and kept asking to stop. This is all in front of the main office and entrance to the lobby where everyone stayed before classes start. So they are all pushing me around and I just say fuck it. I swing and hit someone in the face(what really sucks is that the guy I hit is a low key friend and used to be a really good friend) but I hit him in the face and he falls to the ground. I just jump on top of him and just keep hitting him until his face was full of blood. I ended up breaking his nose. I was brought to the vice principals office and asked why I did that. Luckily we had cameras so we went through the footage and saw I was defending myself. Everyone was let go for a few weeks. Eventually they were disciplined with detentions and all apologized to me(something that normally wouldn’t have happened) que summer break. I come back senior year and 5 of the 6 are in my physics class. Within the first few weeks they all apologize to me. I still don’t know why. Whether it be they grew up over the summer or they realized well shit he’s willing to fight back and will fuck you up (this isn’t a badass moment) but for some reason after I broke a kids nose they stopped messing with me. I just wish I didn’t have to do it and someone would’ve stepped in within the previous 7 years.

Unfortunately my good friend Lennon didn’t fair so well. He took his life because he couldn’t take it anymore. I still think of him every now and then. He was for sure to be a next great and potential pro bowler. If for some reason you bullied him and are reading this I hope you die a slow painful death. He was such an amazing kid with an endless amount of potential that would’ve achieved so much. The shit he went through was .000000001% of what I dealt with. Being bullied on camera, constantly having your shit stolen on camera, made to run nude through school on camera, I hope you fucking die for doing that shit to him. His school system did jack shit. I wish they could’ve helped him. RIP Lennon B.

/r/NoStupidQuestions Thread