Israel begins separating Palestinian bus travel in West Bank

Every decision can't be put up to the public.

Currently we give no decisions to the public.

What in the world does that mean?

It means that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. The state is answerable only to itself and always will be. It operates without the consent of the governed and never will.

You can't give that much power over that many people to a few select individuals and expect them to act selflessly and in good faith. That's not how power works. At the end of the day it revolves around violently repressing some segment of the population in order to maintain the power of that state. Add an ethnic dimension to it and it gets even more fucked up. Ya know, like Israel.

For Israel it's always been a battle of survival.

It's about nationalism and nothing else. A political institution is not something to mourn over. And despite all their self mythologizing Israel is not some sort of special entity. It's just another government. And like every other government it will sooner or later sink into it's own shit.

Now they're trying to make sure whatever settlement they end up with has a defensible border for Israel for whenever the next time Arab countries decide to attack again.

Nobody in that region gives a shit about Israel on anything but a shallow level. Lebanon and Syria want them to fuck off and leave them alone more then anything, the Palestinians want independence (even fucking Hamas said it would accept 1967 borders, think about that), and everybody else uses them as a talking point and nothing else.

Israel can ensure the safety of it's people without constant war and oppression. And if it can't, then maybe it doesn't deserve safety. Maybe in that case it breeds more instability and death via it's existence then the opposite.

Israel banks on this kind of fear mongering paranoia to justify it's own violence, but the excuses are wearing thin. You think Assad is going to stop fighting ISIS so he can go take back the Golan heights? Please...

Interesting place. If Assad ends the insurrection, its "autonomy" will be over in all of 5 minutes.

They've managed to hold off against the government, ISIS, and Al Nusra even while under an international arms embargo. They've been fighting a war with Turkey for the past 30 years.

Say what you will about the Kurds, they don't give up easily. Anybody who tries to take that place by force is going to have one massive shitstorm on their hands. Their were riots in Turkey at the very thought that the government wasn't letting YPG soldiers into Kobane (among other things).

They've survived oppression before and they'll survive it again.

In Israel military service doesn't have to be done on the front, there are many other choices. Most of the politicians are also former soldiers.

Okay, so you get to choose which part of the killing machine you are in. You're still in the machine and you're still your governments toy.

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