Italy's anti-mosque laws force Muslims to pray in garages

Islam not an official religion in Italy

Islam does not have official status in Italy, where several Imams and other representatives of the Islamic community have been calling for an "intesa" – or agreement – with the government.

Other religions, including Judaism, Buddhism and the Seventh-Day Adventists, are officially recognised by the government.

In 2005, the Ministry of Interior founded the Council for Italian Islam. However, disagreements within the council have slowed down its progress.

Agostino Cilardo, expert on Islamic law at Naples Eastern University, believes the main problem is that the government cannot identify people who can represent the Islamic community in Italy as a whole.

"When you create an agreement with the government, the other part is a united organisation. But who can speak for Muslims in Italy? Until we find an answer, there cannot be an agreement," Cilardo was quoted by news agency Ansa as saying.

The Ministry of Interior has not responded to a request for comments.

"Muslims in Italy need legal recognition," Elzir, who has been living in Italy for the past 25 years, explained. "Those who are in power must be responsible, and acknowledge the reality of Islam in Italy. Laws such as those passed in Liguria create isolation, disenfranchisement and closeness. We need laws that allow us to freely adopt principles enshrined in the constitution," he concluded.

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