I've always been fascinated by dreams...

Holy something. I just read that link and I have recently had some very equivalent experiences.

  • I met a powerful being who had an entourage of young humans. He was observing us but I think also entertaining himself. They had attacked me and I fought back and escaped, but I don't think I was able to escape from this being. I experience this being when I am in a specific geographic location away from my own home. After escaping him I intentionally went to find a "cop" to get help. I found one, watching over a large room full of children. When I communicated [in thoughts] to him what I had experienced, he said "let me see your hands" and I looked down at them and then back to him. He said he would take me with him and shortly thereafter I met some new people and the dream ended. This was one of three of the most "important" dreams I had in this unique series.

  • While going through these experiences, I told a friend who is one of the few people I can speak to about these things without feeling judged - that I was going to try and find her in my dreams. That night I believe someone helped me, because while in the dream I was "waiting' for my friend [aware] and she arrived, though what she told me didn't make sense to me. When I called her the next day and told her what she had said, she explained it was something she had been thinking about all day. It was nothing we had ever discussed or that I knew about. But I didn't get the feeling in the dream that I had actually met her, only that I had seen her and -tried- to talk to her.

I don't know if this fits in, but after the culmination of a series of these very different dream encounters - I have been consciously trying to improve my capabilities. At this point I can "fly". Where as in my entire dream history I had only been able to fly once or twice, almost every attempt required me to "run' and even "flap my arms". At some point I was able to "hover" but I always had the conscious awareness of gravity and sometimes it would bring me down or I would have to consciously fight against it. Now I can fly with ease and completely out of any 3-dimensional reality based imagery.

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