Ive been hospitalized for depression 3 times this year.. does it get better?

Struggled with anxiety and depression for over ten years. In my experience, the drugs that they gave me became the problem. In most cases it just takes work to come out of it, not a pill. To be balanced you must eat right, get proper sleep, exercise, etc. The problem is when you are hopeless you have no motivation to get started. This is where you must be disciplined instead of inspired. Write down everything that you must to do be balanced and stick to that list. It took a while to get off of the meds and feel balanced but I finally got there. I know that meds are absolutely crucial to some people but I don't think they should be the first solution. The hardest part for me was to realize I wasn't, by nature, a jovial person. I could experience thrill and excitement but I am not sure that I ever experienced "happiness" or "contentedness". I had to stop looking at other people's lives and comparing myself to them. On facebook everybody seems happy, and if they don't then they're a downer and who wants to be their friend? The most important thing was for me to realize I am the one that has to live my life so I had to make decisions for me. I was in school because I thought that's what I was supposed to do, I stuck around my hometown because I thought I should be there for my family. I love them but making life decisions based on what they think was silly. No idea if any of this applies to you, but hopefully knowing you're not alone helps. Hopefully it isn't disappointing hearing that it's work and it isn't all that much fun, but it's better than some bullshit other people have tried to feed me and others in this situation. Surround yourself with good friends, good food, and keep up on your school and work and hopefully you start to see some light. We are social creatures, BE AROUND AWESOME PEOPLE

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