I've been seeing a man in my backyard for the past two nights - Update 5 Final Update

Umm I am not so sure that its a good idea to ignore this. I get that you are tired of being scared and just wanna get back to your life. What I got from your first post is that you seem a bit emotional and you freak out easily. However even though you overreacted a bit at first, this is no joke. A guy in a ski mask telling you have a nice day and leaving, entering your house, checking the house, plus the fact that your neighbors clearly say they saw a man come out of the house is no joke. There was a man in your house and from what you said, he was clearly searching for something or someone. The "I see you" video you got from that Nick guy is no joke either, neither is the strange call you got in Tom's house. That is someone putting a real effort in following you.

At first I thought you were overreacting and that "have a nice day" line was just some prank by some idiot trying to scare you, but to me it got serious when you said the man actually entered your house and knew your garage code. That person is not just a stalker. Sadly.. people like that don't usually go away on their own. I'm not trying to scare you or anything, but you know, better safe than sorry. Think of better ways to protect yourself and your house and do be careful.

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