I've looked into what constitutes medical negligence, but is it even possible to sue in Canada?

Missed Subluxation I think was what my last one said, thanks for the support. I wouldn't even be asking about this if I felt it was reasonable, last time it was just a mistake, this time throughout the whole process I've been trying to get them to check for it but they won't turn around on the original diagnosis because it would mean my initial wait caused harm. This is why I feel it's wrong, if they said oops at week 2 it would be okay with me, I get that it feels similar and ignorant patients always think they know what's up. It's the months since then where they just won't go back on it and have acted super suspicious.

Like as soon as I went back in and mentioned the words I think it might have been missed, they populated all my appointment records at once that weren't there before but they were backdated, and wrote up detailed reports, none of which was ever spoken to me.

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