Janitors of Reddit, what is the most WTF you've ever had to deal with?

Not a janitor but I have a wtf story about one.

His name is B, and he was the Janitor/maintenance man at my Elementary (primary) School. He was super tall, older, and looked like Biff when Marty went back to the (altered) present in BTTF 2. B was also incredibly nice (don't look into that, you'll know what I mean), and was incredibly sweet to all of us no matter our grade, as well as the staff. He was awesome. He was like resident grandpa.

However, that was tainted for me and my friends one day, when our teacher sent us to B's office to fetch a certain tool we needed for class. He said, "Hi boys, looking for that (whatever it was)?"


"Alrighty, let me go to my closet and grab it." His Custodial closet was at the end of the gym, adjacent to his office.

As soon as he leaves the office and the door shuts, my friend exclaims, "Dude, look at all the pictures!" He points, and the other two of us turn our heads to see what he's looking at.

Polaroids. Polaroids hanging up 10 across and 6 down of the worst, craziest, most fucked up shit storms ever seen in the schools history (and the school was maybe 6 years old at this point).

I started cussing early, and this was 5th grade so in my sweet, innocence I say, "What the fuck?" My friends laugh.

"Why does he take pictures of them?! Hahaha!" My friend asks, chortling.

"I don't but it's gross, haha," say my other.

All the while I'm thinking about how he's probably identifying the color and consistency in case one of these kids did it again. I though he was some sort of deuce detective, a shit sleuth.

It's been 16 years. I still don't know why he had those pictures. What really adds to the perplexity is that everyone had the same caption: "Date -- (whatever the date was)."

/r/AskReddit Thread