The Netherlands Keeps Closing Prisons Because It Doesn't Have Enough Prisoners

I had a rather urbane first sergeant during MOS school. He was giving a liberty brief to a few hundred Marines:

A certain number of you are under the impression that you can fight cops and win. You are mistaken.

See, you can fight a cop and win. Singular. That's certainly possible. The problem is that the cop has a weapon on his belt that will ruin your day. No, it's not his gun. No, it's not his Mace. It's his radio. Which calls cops. Plural.

You can beat a cop, but you can't beat him and all of his friends. And he has more friends than you do, you goddamn idiot. So STOP FUCKING GETTING INTO FIGHTS WITH COPS. I AM SO FUCKING SICK AND TIRED OF GETTING A PHONE CALL AT TWO IN THE FUCKING MORNING AND HAVING TO BAIL YOUR DUMB ASSES OUT OF JAIL. HOLY FUCKING FUCKBALLS.

On that topic, best libo brief I got was from a different 1Sgt who was so black that if he were any blacker, he'd be purple.

Y'all better not be drinking dat sizzurp in the barracks, ya-hear?

awkward silence

What? Y'all never mixed Hennesy, cough syrup, and Kool-Aid before?

awkward silence

Well, don't do that.

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