Jean guy by Redecan Pharm

While other LPs I've been with can barely keep a selection in stock for more than a few days.

This is definitely Redecan, though it's usually a few weeks before they run out of stock of a specific strain. I liked the AK-47 so much I've already decided I'm going to order more, but I haven't actually tried this Jean Guy yet. I will be tonight and I'll be deciding whether I want to max out my monthly allowance on AK or Jean Guy.

I get what you mean about the terpene's though. I've found a lot of my strains, despite many being very different, smell and taste very similar. That said, I've become very much like you in respect to "I'm more concerned if it works and if the high feels alright". I haven't really been disappointed in that respect.

That's really not the case for these 2 though. Both are very floral and the taste of AK was exactly as expected, citrus. Honestly I took a hit from my Air and said to my wife "this tastes like a lemon cough drop". It was unsettling how similar the flavor was to the flavor or a lemon candy or the smell of a lemon cleaner.

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