how do you know you should give up talking to someone (romantically)?

For me I would say if I was speaking with a man and no longer feel like they cared to get to know me or put in the time or effort. Like if they just stayed stagnant and nothing was organically progressing. I like there to be a mutual interest and I like for things to grow. Not saying he’d have to throw himself at me 24/7 because I’m not someone who needs validation all the time, but seeing an honest effort makes me feel special. The biggest thing for me would be if I’m left feeling confused all the time or they are not direct with their intentions, as I lose interest eventually being the only person putting forth that effort. So I would have to give it up if I never got direct reassurance that they liked me in that way. An “I am very interested in you” or a “let’s have a candid conversation” would go a long way with me. Miles even. If a man cannot do that, then he is not the man for me. I don’t have time for the song and dance. Life is too short and I’m getting too old to not be able to have a direct conversation, even if it’s not what I want to hear or if it’s uncomfortable. Hope this makes sense.

/r/AskWomen Thread