[JeffPassan] Some things to consider: - There won’t be a deal today - The details of MLB’s proposal are vital - Just as important is the players’ reactions, as it will foretell the next step

The negotiations…

MLB and union representatives stare at each other for the length of an Adele song.

  • MLBPA: So… uhh… should we just meet tomorrow?
  • MLB: I don’t know, man, I want to watch the Super Bowl.
  • MLBPA: Okay, how about Monday, then?
  • MLB: I don’t know, I kinda have dinner with someone.
  • MLBPA: How about Monday mor--
  • MLB: The whole day. I have dinner with them the whole day. And it’s super important.

This goes on for 30 minutes.

  • Passan: No deal today, sources tell ESPN. But there was never supposed to be a deal today. Sources also said that there was no meeting scheduled.
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