Longtime Republican consultant: if black people voted Republican, voter ID laws wouldn't happen

Well why do Black Americans vote overwhelmingly Democrat? Black Americans of all educational background, geographic location, income level, religion, sexual orientation, age and gender vote overwhelmingly Democrat.

These Americans have almost nothing in common other than the color of their skin and this has caused them all to join one political party over another. And it isn't like there is a strong multi generational tradition of voting Democrat, the party of the confederacy, Andrew Jackson and the KKK. And it isn't like they have a multi generational history of opposing Republicans, the party of Lincoln.

The reason why Black Americans of all backgrounds vote Democrat is because the modern Republican Party has made it very clear that they are not wanted and the Democratic Party has fought for their rights.

The Relublican Party is the party that is actively trying to suppress their right to vote, is actively lobbying for a "law and order" response to record low crime levels and the rise of "Black lives matter". The Relublican Party that just nominated Donald Trump, a man who has been convicted of racial discrimination in his real estate business. A man who stands by wanting to execute the Central Park 5, a group of wrongfully accused Black teenagers who were proven innocent by DNA testing. A man who consistently lies about the rate of Black youth unemployment in his stump speech and is painting a false dystopian image of their communities.

The reason why Black Americans overwhelmingly vote Democrat isn't because all Black Americans share some overlying ideology, but because Republicans have shown very clearly that they do hate Black Americans.

/r/politics Thread Parent Link - vox.com