JK Rowling joins authors decrying 'cancel culture'

I seriously blame social media for this happening. People need to stop listening to what crazy people on Facebook and Twitter have to say. We don't need to appease everyone's opinion. I know the article focuses on authors, but I feel like this happens in the TV/movie industry so much more than anywhere else. A few loud people on Twitter complain about something, then it gets picked up by the media who sensationalize it in articles where just that small, anonymous group of people are the only ones quoted, and then before you can blink an eye, someone is fired or a show is axed or a movie shelved. I'm not saying they're haven't been times where someone or something gets 'canceled' for a good reason, but lately I feel like even the slightest gaffe can lead to serious repercussions.

/r/entertainment Thread Link - bbc.com