Joe Rogan on Caitlyn Jenner

Seems that approach works the best for everyone. Let medical professionals do what they do, let trans people do what they do, and overall just don't presume that you know what's best for anyone else's penis.

When it comes to how you treat individuals, i agree. Why do I care what they choose to do?

As a whole, understanding conditions and causes of stuff like dysphoria is important. Just saying for a issue to just not worry about other peoples plight feels equally minimizing. I empathized very much that each person still needs to be treated in a individual manner when dealing with dysphoria. I never suggested to apply one to all and tell them how to feel. It trying to help people identify why they feel that way, we always start with a base and work our way though it. If a teenager is depressed, we know a myriad of reasons why, we don't blindly go in...we start with assumptions. This in turn can help the teenager discover what is our isn't plaguing them.

Identifying a root causes of societal problems is part of looking at who we are as individuals and as a whole. This applies to this very issue too.

When worrying what peoples medical conditions, mentally or physically it isn't minimizing anyone. That would be equivalent of theorizing what causes a mass shooter to kill people, what causes cancer in our society, or what causes depression among a set of people. All wildly varying topics and discussion but extremely important to have. If we pretend only medical professional can think critically about these issues it really snuffs out a lot of thinkers, heck if we only relied on experts we wouldn't be where we are now. If everyone worried about their own conditions...there probably wouldn't be enough people willing to look into improving the status quo.

Also the stigma of something being in the mind is a can of worms itself. That is another societal issue. Mental issue are just has vast and complicated as physical. When you hurt your self suddenly or slowly(carpal tunnel, worn kneecaps ect.) you go and get treatment to get a better. You want your state of being to be well.

We have for a very long time equated mental problems as your own problems. Which is completely wrong by modern standard. A good bill of health also means mental, in its 'just in your head' may be true for some peoples ailments out there, but that doesn't make them any less of an issue. Those people need to see doctors just like people with physical issues. We as people SHOULD be worrying about that.

If someone issue like gender dysphoria is primarily of cultural pressure then it shows how inadequate our state of Health Insurance is. It regards most mental health treatments as unnecessary. Caring about these issues as a whole can help us create a better health plan future for everyone, not just trans. Same goes for physical treatment for trans, if diagnosed and studies, research and the persons individual evaluation points to a physical transformation (which current evidence shows this has helped a whole lot of trans peope) then i expert insurance to cover those people like they would if i needed knee replacement. That another issue currently with health insurance.

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