John Dehlin released a transcript of an August 2014 meeting with Bryan King

This is where is get good:

David Jenkins: I think part of the nature of this too, is that the church is filled with all levels of
faith and testimony of individuals—I mean you are well, well aware of that. There is a public nature of this and of expressing your doubts publicly that causes other people to have doubts
and then question far beyond, perhaps, what they normally would happen to seek avenues that
are different than the church would hope and recommend. I mean going to their ward in prayer
or going to their bishop or priesthood leader to seek direction with their doubts, verses having
those publicly proclaimed to the world… here are my doubts, I’m a member… those are incompatible as a member of the church. Also publicly expressing doubt that also encourage
other people to have those doubts and to nurture those doubts verses to nurture faith. So as I
read that or listen to that, that’s where my perception of it is. It’s that there’s this public nature
to it that members have differed, just like there are other members like you that have those
same doubts—their membership would not be in question. John Dehlin: So you can have doubts, you just can’t speak publicly about them. Is that right? David Jenkins: In those forms that you have got there [references papers], yeah.
John Dehlin: So you agree?
Bryan King: I think again, that’s a slippery slope because you will take me for my word and that’s not necessarily what I mean. John Dehlin: So what do you mean? Bryan King: I mean that there are several people who struggle with uncertainty and other
people don’t know. I worry that if they come to you and come to your website… that why they
feel akin in your spirit about doubting—I worry that they become comfortable with the things
that you share and then… in another podcast you move to another extreme and allow them to
question their testimony about the prophet Joseph Smith. So I think that there is a part of this
that brings them in closer, they feel comfortable… then at the same time you share something
that you believe. And I disagr—and I don’t like that. I don’t feel comfortable with that.
John Dehlin: Okay, but you’ve expressed that you guys don’t like the public expression of
doubt. Last updated: February 10, 2015, 10:58am Bryan King: No. It’s okay—well… not true. Everybody has doubts. John Dehlin: I’m talking about the public expression of doubt. Bryan King: You can publicly express that you have a doubt. John Dehlin: You can? Bryan King: You can.
John Dehlin: Okay.
Bryan King: The problem that comes that I have is when people come to you, or align
themselves with you—and then they become more comfortable in their doubts because you have doubts. John Dehlin: Which I have no control over. Bryan King: Well, you do in a sense that you express them publicly.
John Dehlin: So it is about expressing doubts publicly. Bryan King: This is a circular argument.

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