Jon Stewart accurately (and hilariously) shows how the media is treating Caitlyn Jenner, "Welcome to being a woman in America."

Thanks for taking the time to write this, it's very enlightening and interesting. I am thrilled you were able to find a way out of your dysphoria to the extent you have, and am thankful there are options for this.

FWIW, i do say, very explicitly when i used the work mutilation, to forgive me for it and i know it sounds awful. When i discuss this with friend or strangers (when the conversation rarely arises) i do not refer to it as a mutilation, of course (except for with one friend who refers to it as that herself, and it is always in frank and open discussion about a specific train of thought). That word was used in this thread, in that post, to very specifically denote one perception of mine in a certain context, or which i still can't think of another word, and which doesn't take away from the fact that i am grateful the options exists.

And even though it's a bit besides the point, and even though I can never really say until it happens, if i had breast cancer, i woudl feel it was butchering my body in order to get it out, even though i'd be grateful of the procedure. And i don't imagine i'd get reconstructive surgery. I have barely any tits anyway and don't really care that much about them in so far as how they pertain to my being or gender or femininity anyway. I actually look far more feminine than i feel, besides the tits, and its' been strangely too much formy personality. This is all not very comparable to your siuation, but i do see where you were aiming at. I do have an aunt that feels incredibly lacking due to losing her breast, and in her isntance there was not a possibility for reconstruction, for various reasons. We are all different.

I understand dysphoria is hellish, and i too wouldn't wish it on anyone.

All being said, your post have helped me understand things on a wider level, so thank you.

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