Jon Stewart on Charleston: “By acknowledging it, by staring into that and seeing it for what it is, we still won’t do jackshit."

People who commit mass murder are cowards and should be labeled as such. This boy was a coward. I don't call him a man because real men don't do this shit. Real men face their problems head on and with help if they need it. Cowards can't stand the fact that other people may have life better than them, and they blame them for all of their problems, even if some or all problems are their own doing. They feel like their life is beyond their control and to regain any sense of control, they do shit like this. They get off on having the control over people's lives, deciding who lives and who dies. They get off on playing god. They can't accept that there is something wrong with them and they are actually in control of their life all along. They can't face the fact that they need help. Doing shit like this is the easy way out. Getting help is the hard thing to do. It's hard to accept the fact that you're fucked up, but only cowards don't seek help for their problems. They feel like they are the ones that are sane and the world around is fucked up and needs to be "cleaned up". Are some problems in life caused by other people and life in general, absolutely. But there are better ways to deal with those problems than to shoot up a fucking church or school. We need to remove the stigma that help is for the weak. Help is for the ones that are strong, for the ones who refuse to take the easy way out, for the ones that want to empower themselves and make their life better. If you know anyone who has successfully gone through therapy, you will see how strong mentally those people are. Help should not be a persons last resort, it should be the first, even if it means just talking to friends or family members. Cowards seek the easy way out, the strong get the help they need. This boy is not a "hero". If he killed himself like others do in these mass murders, he is not a martyr. He is a cowardly little boy and inflicted his pain upon others, rather than being a man and fighting his pain. The racists of today don't do this, as I have personal experience with these people in my own extended family. (Luckily not by blood are we related.) They just bitch about the other races and make fun of them. This boy had a mental health problem. Mental health problems can be treated with the right medication. But this boy was probably too involved with "Woe is me" to realize that his problems are something that can be solved by himself. This was not a man who did this. This was a coward.

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