It's my fourth year in college and I have learned nothing. I am on the verge of breakdown.

Well, Since my parents shifted to Delhi (I was in class 7th) from Banaras (we used to live in B.H.U Campus) I had probably one of the shittiest schooling ever and didn't learn jack shit in school after 7th. Failed pre-boards in 8th (well I was in a DAV school) and barely passed. I have been a gigantic nerd my whole life (never good at taking tests though) so slowly and steadily I improved upon my test taking skills, which I always treated as something separate from my general learning. From 48% in 8th boards I improved to an 8.6 GPA in 10th, and fell down again to 60% in 11th and fucked up in 12th and got 75% (Attendance throughout was like 10%). I always wanted to be a scientist so I took admission in a shitty college to do my B.Sc. (H) but I kept working on learning shit myself. I hate each and everyone of the motherfucking teachers who ever came into my life and ruined it a little further. I managed to publish some research papers during my B.Sc itself (without any help) , and I managed to secure an admission to IISER pune, and all the IITs. I plan to work even harder their and I never rely on teachers for anything, although now I will have good people around me and good teachers. Moral of the story is, you won't learn jack shit if you are dependent on someone else to teach it to you. Its only you who can learn things, you got internet, books everything. Your brain can handle it, trust me on that. I won't call myself successful, but I want you to take this as a story of slow and steady improvement. You can do it too, and start it now! Just push yourself a little harder as the days pass, every day you work slightly harder than the previous, and keep moving. Its your brain and your legs, people may help you or may not, but never expect any help from anyone. Teachers can be assholes too, and most of them are anyway, so just work on your own.

/r/india Thread