The Journal Record's Oklahoma SQ788 Round Table Discussion

"The churches" are a very diverse group of people. I'm a Christian and I absolutely will be voting yes on 788.

I know where your coming from and I'm not trying to be argumentative. Unfortunately, a lot of our louder and less educated members (educated on marijuana issues not saying they're unintelligent) just parrot what they hear other loud members saying.

From a Christian standpoint, nowhere in the scripture does it even remotely hint that marijuana is wrong. Recreational or medical. Anywhere. Jesus turned water into wine. Jesus seemed to be fine with recreational alcohol. He even went so far as to provide it to people. (John 2: 1-11) How can we say marijuana is any different when it's scientifically proven to be safer and less dangerous than alcohol? If Jesus provided one I hardly think that he has a problem with something that's scientifically proven to be MORE SAFE.

All my Christian life I thought that drinking a glass of wine or relaxing with marijuana meant I wouldn't be considered a good Christian, it might show that I didn't love Jesus enough... and that's not in the Bible. It's not in the Bible anywhere. Jesus never said it and it's not true. However, the Bible is clear on the sin of drunkeness and intoxication. Neither of which happens from responsible alcohol or marijuana use. If the Bible permits the use of alcohol in moderation, might it not also permit the use of marijuana in moderation? We know that a person can consume small quantities of alcohol without any intention of getting drunk. Can a person similarly consume small quantities of marijuana without any intention of becoming grossly intoxicated? Of course.

I've read the Bible me cover to cover many times over the years. Anyone who is using their faith to try to convince you that it's a sin is lying and manipulating you. Whether knowingly or ignorantly is up for debate.

As a Christian I will definitely be voting YES ON 788.

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